Marc Rotenberg
Marc Rotenberg is President and Executive Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a public interest research center in Washington, DC. EPIC’s mission is to focus public attention on emerging privacy issues. EPIC pursues a wide range of activities. Among other campaigns, EPIC initiated the complaint that produced the 2011 FTC consent order with Facebook. In the past year, EPIC filed four amicus briefs with the US Supreme Court and EPIC will participate in DPC v. Schrems before the CJEU. EPIC is currently pursuing cases concerning drone regulations, voter privacy, consumer protection, Russian meddling in democratic elections, and government accountability. EPIC has launched a petition to establish a public process for an open and inclusive AI policy for the United States. Mr. Rotenberg is also an adjunct professor at Georgetown Law where he teaches courses on privacy, open government, and GDPR. He is coauthor with Prof. Anita Allen of Privacy Law and Society (West 2015) (privacylawands) and editor of Privacy in the Modern Age: The Search for Solutions (The New Press 2016) and The Privacy Law Sourcebook (EPIC 2018). He has received several awards including the Norbert Wiener Award for the socially responsible use of computing technology.