Fanny Hidvégi
Fanny Hidvégi is Access Now’s European Policy Manager based in Brussels. She leads Access Now’s European strategy and coordinate the Brussels office’s legislative priorities on issues such as privacy, data protection, freedom of expression, and more. Fanny has been increasingly working on the human rights impact of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies. She serves on the EU Commission High Level Expert Group on AI and on the board of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU). Previously, Fanny was International Privacy Fellow at the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington, D.C. where she focused on E.U.-U.S. data transfers. For three years Fanny led the Freedom of Information and Data Protection Program of the HCLU where she engaged in strategic litigation with journalists and other NGOs, participated in the fight against the national data retention law in Hungary, and promoted privacy enhancing technologies. There, she gained experience on how to operate as a human rights advocate in a restrictive environment. Fanny also worked as a consumer protection lawyer both in the public and the private sector. She has a law degree from Eötvös Loránd University Budapest and she spent one academic year at the University of Florence.