Plamen Angelov
Mr Plamen Angelov is Director for legal and international affairs at the Bulgarian data protection authority since 2015. He has a Master degree in Law from Sofia University and a number of certificates, including from the French École nationale d'administration and the Dutch Clingendael Institute.
Mr Angelov has significant diplomatic experience, serving as Home Affairs Attaché at the Bulgarian Embassy in London and JHA Counsellor at the Permanent Representation of Bulgaria to the EU in Brussels. Between 2013 and 2014 he has been appointed as Deputy Minister of Interior for European and International Affairs, dealing inter alia with the negotiations with the European Commission on EU funding.
Mr. Angelov is actively involved in the awareness and training initiatives for the preparation of the private and public sectors for GDPR. Moreover, he has been the leading expert of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU in the negotiations on the new Regulation on data protection in the EU institutions and bodies.
Mr Angelov is closely associated with the work of the newly established EDPB. He is also member of IAPP.