Pernille Tranberg
Pernille Tranberg is the co-founder of the European thinkdotank DataEthics.eu She is the co-author of the book 'DataEthics - The New Competitive Advantage' (2016) - free download: dataethics.eu/book. She’s a former investigative journalist at Danish national papers, but since 2013 she has concentrated on dataethics and privacy. She teachers teens digital selfdefense and advises companies, authorities and institutions on data ethics as a speaker and consultant. She co-founded DataEthics.eu in 2015 with Gry Hasselbalch, Birgitte Kofod Olsen and Catrine Byrne Søndergaard. She has worked with the national daily Politiken, been editor-in-chief of the consumer magasine Tænk and holds a Masters in Journalism from Columbia University in New York. More: https://dataethics.eu/en/about/founders/