Alessandro Mantelero
Alessandro Mantelero is Associate Professor of Private Law at the Polytechnic University of Turin. He is Council of Europe Rapporteur on Artificial Intelligence and data protection. In 2016, he was appointed expert consultant by the Council of Europe to draft the Guidelines on personal data in a world of Big Data (2017). He is also member of the IPEN - Internet Privacy Engineering Network (European Data Protection Supervisor) and has served as an expert on data regulation for the UN–ILO, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, the UN-OHCHR, the European Commission, the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy, the Italian Ministry of Justice and the Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM). He has held visiting appointments in several universities (Harvard, Oxford, Nanjing – NUITS, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) and he is member of the editorial boards of Computer Law & Security Review.